Service Opportunities

District 30 welcomes local AA members to get involved in service!

We reach out the hand of AA through activities such as: Maintaining a current list of meetings and operating a hotline to help connect alcoholics with the AA program. We volunteer to take meetings into treatment centers and correctional facilities. We preserve an archive of local AA history. We provide information about AA to related professions and the general public.

District 30 Entertainment Committee is always looking for members of the fellowship to volunteer at our events. For more information, email the Entertainment Committee Chairperson

Hot-Line Volunteers Needed: call (540) 752-2228 or email the hotline directly.

Sunshine Lady House and Boxwood Facility meetings: We are back on schedule with taking meetings into the local treatment facilities! Generally, Sunshine Lady House hosts meetings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Boxwood hosts meetings on Wednesday evenings. To get connected and for more information, please contact our Treatment Facilities Chair

Corrections Committee

If interested in joining a Rappahannock Regional Jail meeting, email our Corrections Committee Chair. Taking a meeting into the jail requires an application and approval process, required by the facility. Applications are listed at the bottom of this page.

Due to the pandemic, outside groups are still not allowed to bring meetings into the jails (last updated November 2022) Please keep an eye on the website or stop by the monthly District meeting for updates as the situation improves. 
To learn more about service work in area correctional facilities, please contact the Corrections Committee.

Rappahannock Regional Jail Service Information

Service Calendar


If you are interested in becoming involved in other areas of District service, you may contact representatives of our various District Service Committees on the Contacts page.